Saturday, May 1, 2010

maybe pies will be the next cupcake

I'll admit; I'm more of a cake-and-ice-cream fan than a pie fan, but this blog has me tickled pink.

(Bonus points for it being written by the wife of good ol' Ryan Simmons-- a cool guy I knew back in my BYU days.)

(thanks, hannah, for the tip.)


  1. thanks hannah? oh plz.

    (p.s. this is robbie)

  2. ha ha. that's true, I guess you told me about it, not hannah.

  3. Oooh. Thanks Hannah/Rob/Courtney for the link. I've been looking for a berry rhubarb pie recipe to try and hers looks fabulous.

  4. Love pie more than cake, boysenberry pie with vanilla bean ice cream to be exact but also banana cream and of course pumpkin.
