Monday, January 18, 2010


When I put Bria to bed, we have a fairly simple routine of books, milk, and songs. We particularly enjoy books by Sandra Boynton, and I usually sing her Once in Royal David's City or a modified, happy version of Tools Was a Baby Rabbit (in fact, I didn't know the real lyrics until I found that link right now-- thanks, Dad for changing the lyrics for us when we were little). However, today, Bria would not calm down and accept her imminent nap time until I sang her the following little ditty (complete with character voices). twice.

And when I finished singing it for the second time, she reached for her crib, I tucked her in, she blew me a kiss, and she went right to sleep. What a gem. Who knew the muppets were so soothing?


  1. If you like Sandra Boyton, may I suggest Leslie Pattricelli? Her books are hilarious and actually hold small kids attention (the main virtue of Boyton I think).

  2. I have no idea what the tune or words are in Once in Royal David's city. Is that your favorite Christmas song? Guess I'll have to look it up. :)
    Oh - and thanks for the link to this video! Hunter will love it I'm sure. :)

    Give Bria a kiss for me. She is one of the most unique and funny kids I've ever met!

  3. this is awesome! also, you should know one of siena's favorite songs is 'manamana' which always makes me think of you and anna and a certain professor.

  4. That is so funny. What a fun kid.
